How does AI Writing Work? A Comprehensive Guide.

AI writing tools seem almost magical – you type in a few prompts, and poof

Unique, relevant content appears before your eyes.

As a blogger, I was instantly drawn to how these tools could make content creation much faster and easier. But in exploring various AI writing tools myself, I realized they aren’t a silver bullet. These tools have limitations and need human oversight to shine.

In this post, I’ll share my hands-on experiences using AI writing tools as part of my content strategy. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaway
The key takeaway is that AI writing tools are incredibly useful for generating draft content quickly and maintaining brand voice but still lack human creativity and intent. Following best practices like reviewing output and combining AI with human skills is crucial to responsibly get the most out of these tools. The goal should be to enhance, not replace, human writing.

What is AI Writing

If you have ever used an AI writing tool, you probably know that AI writing uses LLMs (Large Language Models) to generate written content.

It’s different from traditional writing because it uses machine learning to create text based on given prompts or inputs.

Because these programs are trained on a lot of data, they can generate content rapidly and efficiently.

But there are some misunderstandings about AI writing that I want to clear up. One common misunderstanding is that AI will replace human writers. This is not correct. More on that later.

This is because AI-generated content generally lacks creativity, subtlety, and the ability to adapt to specific situations.

In contrast, the writing produced by a human is often more engaging and authentic since they bring their perspectives, experiences, and creativity to the task.

The main users of AI content writing tools are people who need to quickly and efficiently generate written content. In addition to marketers, bloggers, copywriters, and businesses that must constantly produce content, AI tools can be very helpful for creating first drafts, brainstorming ideas, and writing content centered on a specific keyword or topic.

AI writing is based on trained models where the output highly depends on the model’s size, training data, and tasks on which it is trained.

If we understand what exactly AI writing is capable of and what is not, we can best use these tools to enhance the quality of our writing.

How does AI Writing work?

Have you ever wondered how AI writing tools work? The AI writing tools are trained based on a large amount of text data to learn patterns, grammar, and language structures that help them generate content.

The main part of these tools is deep learning models, like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and the PaLM2 family of models.

With the help of attention mechanisms and transformer architectures, these models are trained on vast datasets and can analyze and understand input data taken from this dataset.

While AI writing tools can adapt to different writing styles and tones to some extent, they still lack the human touch and experience needed to copy a specific writing style fully.

I have experimented with these tools and found that while they can generate content, it often needs human editing and fine-tuning to achieve the desired tone and style.

Will AI Replace Content Writers?

So, let’s start with the burning question.

I know there’s been a lot of buzz lately about AI replacing human writers. And it’s true: AI Tools like Grammarly and can be super helpful for catching grammar mistakes or generating content ideas.

But let’s be real – a robot will never replace the creativity and strategic thinking an experienced human writer brings.

Don’t get me wrong, AI has its place.

It can speed up your workflow if you need to create a high volume of simple blog posts or social captions. But for complex projects that require an emotional connection or alignment with business goals? You need a real person for that. Even if you feed all the data to the AI Models, it is highly dependent on the AI Model’s reasoning capability, and it will not give you any out-of-the-box strategies.

Consider an example of Blogging: You need more than just content to rank on Google. You need to take care of SEO, Focus on building authority, planning Content strategy, etc. From my experience, I can help in these cases, but they are not 100% perfect.

Take whitepapers, for example. Crafting a compelling whitepaper that attracts qualified leads takes human insight and storytelling skills. No bot can replace the ability of a talented copywriter to connect with readers and guide them toward a conversion.

Or think about how a human writer understands the nuances of your brand voice and knows how to appeal to your target audience emotionally through content. AI doesn’t have that kind of vision or strategic creativity.

According to Writesonic CEO, “AI will replace people who are not productive, but you will still need humans in the loop“.

So, while AI will change parts of our work as writers, it won’t replace the need for our skills anytime soon. Businesses that want content that truly engages customers will still look to partner with creative, strategic human writers like us!

Advantages of using AI Writing

1. Efficiency and Speed

AI writing tools have changed much of content creation, and I have had a chance to experiment extensively.

AI allows you to be efficient in the following things:

1. Assist with research and fact-checking as well. So you don’t have to spend much time manually researching and reviewing information.
2. Maintaining your brand’s voice, AI writing tools can help you keep your content cohesive and on-brand based on your brand voice and tone.
3. Grammar and spelling checks.

These features can make a huge difference if you’re trying to meet tight deadlines.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

AI provides a cost-effective solution for content generation. Using these tools, you do not need to hire a content writer or outsource your writing needs to save money and time.

With these tools, you can create more content in less time. This allows you to use your resources more effectively, increasing productivity.

3. Quality and Consistency

As a human writer and blogger, I find AI content useful for assisting me in writing first drafts.

Speaking of brand voice, AI tools have been a great help in maintaining a consistent tone and style across my content.

They analyze my existing content and then create new content that matches my brand’s tone and style to ensure the voice and tone of my brand remain consistent and the audience can recognize it.

Of course, I always review and edit the generated content to add my style and make it truly mine.

However, the chances of errors are typically very low.

4. Scalability

Creating good content while meeting your audience’s needs consistently can be hard. I tried different tools in my blogging journey; they have made a big difference.

These tools have been incredibly helpful in producing more content, coming up with ideas, and even automating parts of content creation.

This is particularly helpful when you need a lot of content, as in a content marketing strategy or a frequently updated blog.

But here’s the best part – these tools can adapt to increasing content demands.

It is not hard to keep up with your audience as it grows and demands more content because these tools can keep up with you.

You can give the tool information about your audience, the tone you want, and keywords, and it will create content based on that.

And the best part?


You can directly use AI APIs to automate content creation completely. OpenAI provides GPT access over API, PaLM2 can be accessed using Vertex AI, and Anthropic has started to roll out access to the Claude 2 model.

Drawbacks of AI Content Writing

1. Limited Understanding of Nuances

Despite the advantages of AI writing tools, I must admit that they have some limitations when it comes to understanding nuanced writing.

I typically found that the LLMs are trained on general data, so they know the general things. But as soon as you go into the technical details, most likely, they will give the wrong output.

Or if you ask them about the latest data they haven’t seen, they will give the wrong results.

This is because of hallucinations and Bias present in these models.

They may miss the tone, voice, and style a human writer can effortlessly bring to a piece of writing.

In many cases, these tools cannot comprehend the writer’s underlying emotions or intentions, resulting in robotic or distant content because they fail to understand the writer’s intention or emotions.

2. Dependence on Quality Data

Professional editors like myself know how important it is to use artificial intelligence writing tools effectively.

Think about it: if you give the AI tool low-quality or biased input, the results will likely be misleading or inaccurate.

Because of this, it is important when using AI writing tools to use reliable and unbiased sources. One option is carefully selecting and preparing the information you feed into the AI tool.

Besides fact-checking, removing biased or irrelevant information, and including different perspectives, another method combines AI output with human expertise and editing. Therefore, the quality of the information you use when working with AI-driven writing tools is critical.

3. Ethical Concerns

We can’t ignore the ethical concerns of using AI tools.

One of the main concerns is plagiarism and originality. Another ethical concern is the possibility of misuse and manipulation of AI-generated content.

Our duty as users is to ensure we are careful and responsible when using AI and writing tools.

There is a need to remember that we should not rely solely on AI writing tools to create content. Using AI tools in conjunction with human oversight and input, we can ensure that ethical standards are upheld, that our content will be valuable and trustworthy, and that human oversight is maintained.

By being transparent, responsible, and aware of their limitations, we can use AI writing tools ethically and create original, accurate, and reliable content.

Tips to use AI Writing tools efficiently

Here are the tips you can follow for using AI Writing tools efficiently:

1. First, it’s important to clearly define your objectives before using an AI writing tool.
2. Understand the purpose, tone, and structure of your content. As a result, you can give more specific prompts to the AI model, yielding better output. Long or unclear prompts can confuse the model and give you poor results. I have created a free tool that gives prompts for writing using ChatGPT.
3. For better performance, break down complex ideas into smaller prompts. Not all AI writing tools are the same. Try them out all and then decide which tool you like the most.
4. For better results, You can adjust AI writing tools’ temperature and top values. These settings control the level of randomness and creativity of the output. Higher temperature values give you more diverse but potentially less coherent content, while lower values give you more focused but repetitive content. Similarly, adjusting the top-p value can help control the length and relevance of the generated text.

Although AI writing tools can generate content, reviewing and editing the output is important. Make sure it meets your standards and matches your brand voice.

Make use of the resources that AI writing tools have to offer. Following these tips, adjusting the settings, and utilizing the available resources, you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of using AI writing tools by following these tips.


After extensively using various AI writing tools, I realized they are an incredible asset for drafting and ideating, but human creativity is irreplaceable.

By editing AI output and combining it thoughtfully with our skills as writers, we can utilize these tools responsibly to enhance productivity.

If you want to experience AI writing yourself, I recommend starting with a free tool like Anthropic’s Claude to generate drafts efficiently.