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ChatGPT Prompt Generator

The launch of ChatGPT has started to change how we do things. For example. A engineer's job is to Write code, Debug it. Now ChatGPT can help you coding. Similar to writers, graphic designers etc. Gen AI is changing how we used to solve problems. But if you want to get the best result out of ChatGPT, you need to learn prompt engineering.

That's why I have created this tool for you. You just need to select the task, provide the inputs and the tool will give the prompt to be used for ChatGPT. You can update the prompt as per the requirements and provide it to ChatGPT.

What Is A ChatGPT Prompt Generator?

ChatGPT prompt generator generates the prompt based on the inputs you provide. I have tested 100s prompts with ChatGPT, GPT API, and even other AI Models such as PaLM2.

You need to select the task, provide the inputs, and get the prompt! Easy!

Why Use a ChatGPT Prompt Generator?

Talking to Generative AI LLMs such as GPT is a challenging task. You need to know precisely what you will need from the model.

Due to the non-deterministic nature of LLMs, they often provide different outputs. So, you need to construct a good prompt and test it to ensure accurate output.

That"s why I have built this tool for you—no need to learn prompt engineering.

Select your task, provide some inputs, and get the prompt. It is an excellent tool for getting the most out of ChatGPT and exploring all its possibilities.

Tip - I recommend you add an example so that ChatGPT will understand what type of response you expect.

How to Write Good ChatGPT Prompts?

Do you want to get the most out of your interactions with ChatGPT and other AI language models?

1. Start with an action word: Begin your prompt with a clear command or action sentence like "Help me," "Tell me," or "Explain." This tells the AI model what you want it to do.

2. Be clear and concise: Avoid confusion by giving specific instructions. Clearly state what you want the AI model to do or the question you want it to answer.

3. Give context and background information: Provide enough information for the AI model to understand the task or question. By doing this, it is better able to generate more accurate and relevant responses.

4. Use relevant keywords and phrases: Include words and phrases directly related to your topic. This helps the AI model focus on the specific information you want.

5. Check your prompt for errors: Review it for mistakes before sending it. If a prompt is well-written, better responses are likely to follow.

6. Try different prompts: Experiment with different approaches and variations of prompts to see what works best. Changing your instructions or phrasing can give you different outputs.

7. Use the appropriate tone: Consider your audience when writing prompts. Adapt the language and style to match the intended readership of the AI model"s response.

9. Be patient and understanding: Remember that AI models like ChatGPT are still being developed. While they are getting better, they may still have limitations. Be patient if the responses are not always perfect.

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